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My name is Dana Katz, and I am currently a 10th grader at the Elizabeth Irwin High School, located in New York City. Throughout my years of elementary school, I began to become interested in my Jewish identity, and the history of my ancestors. When looking into the lives of my great-grandparents and their siblings, I realized that in the second World War most of my family had been killed. Intrigued, I began to conduct research as an 8 year old, reading books and asking many questions to my Rabbi and Hebrew School teachers. By the time of my bat-mitzvah, I had gone as far as interviewing survivors and becoming friends with some of them. On the day of my bat-mitzvah, I stood in front of my congregation, and told them astonishing stories I had heard. Two years later I stood in front of my teachers, with a much larger idea: to tell these stories to the world and publish them online, letting their legacies last forever. 


© 2023 by Dana Katz 

Tel: 551-220-0032



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